Raechel provides a compassionate, empowering, and nurturing way to empower oneself to a greater level of healing than believed possible.

About Me

- Soul Centered Woman

- About Raechel Morrow -

Depth & Spiritual Psychologist, Alchemy Coach, Speaker, Certified Yoga Therapist, and Certified Trauma Specialist.

After years of researching, learning, and working in the field of trauma treatment I was overwhelmed with the  profound understanding of the value in actively seeking what was lost from the trauma of colonization. I began to  remember parts of myself that had never been able to be expressed. 

Life and my body slowly became more sacred.  I learned the nature of reclaiming the intrinsic relationship with myself.

I Work with

Individuals. Couples.​

Somatic techniques

- Private Therapy

Using somatic (body-based) techniques, Raechel Morrow draws from a multi-disciplinary well of modalities that support the body’s intuitive and innate healing abilities. Raechel does not position herself as a “healer”, “guru”, “expert”, or “therapist” instead she trust the inner resiliency and inner knowing inside of each person. Because of this, every session is unique and experiential. Her sacred work may include trauma-informed therapeutic yoga,  emotional release, meditation/breathework, bodywork, psychosocial -spiritual work, holistic counseling, energy work, intuitive coaching, and linking the mind and body to increase interoceptive pathways with yoga therapy.

Yoga Instructor
Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy with Raechel Morrow

My Story

- raechel morrow -

Becoming Soul Centered

I can feel the moment I realized my life was not in alignment. I had to change. I was not okay. I could no longer live in a way that all of me was not present.  Our culture had told me to live the American dream for happiness and security.  Work hard, achieve with three kids, being an entrepreneur and therapist, have a happy husband, and a beautiful home. “I do not know how you do it all”, was always a comment I would hear. The problem is, I could not do it all. I had enough. Our society has told women to chase after a fiction grounded on a falsehood, and I drank the kool aid early.  My worth was and still is not something I had to earn by the value I contribute to a capitalistic and masculine society. 

I did not recognize myself anymore.  My natural way of being and capacity to love and be in the world was drowned out by the business of the American dream. I was tired and wondered “what is this all for?” I went to school, built a family and a healing institution by pushing, over working, and disconnecting. This is what other women modeled for me. The glue was missing, what bonds and ties us all together. Raising our youth, caring for family, caring for those in need is not supported.  Sustaining ties with friends, family, community is essential to society, and yet women are set to fail. We are taught a message to never show weakness, brokenness, or ask for help. I had signed my life to a false dream that demands you give up your energy, time, and emotion. Overwork and exhaustion were expected. The new norm was that there are not enough hours in the day.  

This is what I did, slowly I leaned into vulnerability, asking for help, receiving, and allowing weakness to be present. I had to learn to make my body a priority.  Over time, I started to feel alive, and in the years following, I experienced the glue essential to our whole world. I become closer to people, nature, and the interconnections of all things. I leaned in, asked the hard questions, and now I have relationships with humans much different than myself.

 I started showing parts of myself that are not supported by the status quo.  Whether I was like or not I was authentic, I was ME. I became overwhelmed with the profound understanding of actively seeking what was lost from the trauma of colonization. I began to remember parts of myself that had never been expressed buried deep. Life and my body slowly became more sacred.  I learned the nature of reclaiming the intrinsic relationship with myself and all things.

Now it’s your turn, tell me your story…

- New Sessions Available!

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
-Mary Oliver


Raechel was recommended to me by a colleague that witnessed her work on a retreat. I have been seeking a teacher committed to the spiritual path with the education and life experience to guide me to my greatest potential. I work as an MSW and feel I have hit a plateau in my journey and professional work. Raechel offered a consult with me to feel if this would be a beneficial experience. I appreciated this as I live in OH, almost five hours from Michigan. I decided to give it a go, drive over, and stay the night. Furthermore, I am so glad I did. The session was unlike anything I had experienced before. In total, the session was about three hours. In the beginning, Raechel asked me many questions, and we talked for a while. We then moved to a heated mat, and I connected to my body in movement. It appears Raechel offers powerful energy work, I was already in a deep meditative state, and at this point, I had new sensations and body awareness I had not had before. The healing and inner guidance I received is something I have never experienced. After the time on the mat, we discussed the experience, which felt similar to therapy, and we were able to use the experience to establish some changes and intentions in my life. Raechel has supported me through a few online sessions now, and I look forward to another in-person session with her in the early spring.

-Stephanie Hemlock



Wondering where to start?

Let's find time together!

I’d love to hear what you’re looking for from working together. I am available to connect over the phone, in person, or via video chat
-Raechel Morrow