
Soul Centered -


Creator of the Embodied Sensual Dance

I am a soul-centered woman. One of the things I learned is that dance is my language. Dance is the way we speak spirit or that spirit speaks to us. I want to reclaim the body; it’s important for every woman in whatever body she stands in, to be a goddess. A woman has complete persmisson to be herself.
Personal embodiment is to move as the spirit moves you. The soul-centered woman asks, what are the movements that speak to me? Does that speak to the goddess in me?
I am the butterfly. I moved away from my victimhood and into the Goddess Empress. Growing up in communism cures you of the disease of dreaming. I taught myself to want nothing, to long for nothing, why dream it will not happen anyway.
My life today is beyond anything I will ever dream. I could not have ever imagined such a paradise, such a joy, and grace. Based on my cultural and tribal values she believes that knowledge and wisdom should not be a privilege but should be accessible and available to those that need it the mos


I am soul-centered.

I feel so honored and blessed to have completed the descent to my soul. I embody immense joy, power, and sensuality within myself. It all belongs to me. As a survivor of sexual abuse, I am now connected to my desire, beauty, pleasure, and sensuality. I have reclaimed what was taken, and I RISE! With continued exploration, I believe in the importance of full sexual healing.  I am my body, my body is the sacred temple where my soul lives in this life.

Erin Soul Centered Woman

Soul Centered -


Soul Centered Woman

I embody my multi-faceted self. I believe all lives are sacred. I am dedicated to making space for myself and others to experience wholeness in connection to Self and the universe. I am no-longer silenced or afraid of what others may think. I embody Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream of a beloved community and to live out the truth of the oneness of humanity.