Lean into Love

The most repeated directive in the Bible is, do not fear. It is clear; do not fear. There are only two energies that live inside of us, FEAR and LOVE. That is it, and everything else falls in between those. So that means there are two ways of being and responding in life. The fear […]


Sometimes things must break down and fall away before your true light can shine its brilliance through. So when spiritual transformation comes knocking on your door, it unapologetically asks you to shed parts of yourself that are no longer of service.  Perhaps similar to me, you once wore a mask and ear plugs too to block […]

Return to the Sacred Feminine

The body speaks what the mind cannot. The deeper question is, are you listening? Your true embodiment can only be expressed when your soul is able to position itself to the physical world, settle into it fully and feel completely safe to stay.  It is not uncommon to feel disembodied, unsafe, or distant from your […]